Zero Morph Bearded Dragons: The White Gems of the Reptile World

Bearded dragons have become increasingly popular pets in recent years, and it’s no wonder why! These fascinating reptiles are known for their docile nature, unique appearance, and manageable size. As more people discover the joy of keeping bearded dragons as pets, the interest in their various morphs has also grown. In this article, we’ll dive into the captivating world of zero morph bearded dragons, exploring their traits, appearance, and the concept of morphs in general. So, buckle up for an exciting adventure into the realm of these intriguing creatures!

Understanding Morphs in Bearded Dragons

Before we delve into the specifics of zero morph bearded dragons, it’s essential to understand what “morph” means in the context of these reptiles. A morph is a term used to describe the genetic variation within a species that results in different physical traits, such as color, pattern, and scale texture. These variations occur naturally in the wild but are also selectively bred in captivity to produce new and striking appearances.

In the world of bearded dragons, numerous morphs have been developed through selective breeding. Some common morphs include the hypomelanistic, leatherback, and translucent, each displaying unique characteristics that make them stand out from the rest. By understanding the concept of morphs, you’ll be better equipped to appreciate the unique beauty and appeal of zero morph bearded dragons.

Zero Morph Bearded Dragons: Traits and Appearance

Now that we’ve covered the basics of morphs, let’s dive into the world of zero morph bearded dragons! This particular morph is known for its striking appearance, characterized by a complete lack of pigmentation. This results in a stunning white or pale gray coloration, making them a standout choice for reptile enthusiasts seeking something extraordinary.

  1. Coloration: Zero morphs, as mentioned earlier, lack pigmentation, which gives them their unique, ghostly appearance. Their bodies are primarily white or pale gray, with little to no visible pattern or markings. This lack of color is what sets them apart from other bearded dragon morphs and makes them highly sought after by collectors and hobbyists alike.
  2. Scales and spikes: Zero morph bearded dragons have the same scale structure as other morphs, with rows of spiky scales running down their bodies. However, due to their lack of pigmentation, their spikes and scales may appear less pronounced compared to darker morphs.
  3. Eye color: Another striking feature of zero morph bearded dragons is their eyes. Unlike most other bearded dragons, which have dark, almost black eyes, zero morphs often exhibit light-colored eyes, ranging from pale blue to light gray.

In terms of size and growth rate, zero morph bearded dragons are similar to other morphs, reaching an average length of 18 to 24 inches and weighing between 350 and 600 grams when fully grown.

The unique zero bearded dragon morph is easily recognizable with its completely white appearance - almost ghost-like!
The unique zero bearded dragon morph is easily recognizable with its completely white appearance – almost ghost-like!

Caring for Zero Morph Bearded Dragons

A key factor in keeping any pet happy and healthy is providing proper care. Zero morph bearded dragons require the same essential care as other bearded dragon morphs, but it’s crucial to understand their specific needs.

Ideal living conditions

A suitable enclosure for a zero morph bearded dragon should be at least 40 gallons in size, with a secure screen top to prevent escapes. Their habitat should include a basking area, a cooler area for thermoregulation, and hiding spots for security. (more about the ideal tank setup for bearded dragons)

Maintain a temperature gradient between 75°F and 110°F, with the basking spot being the warmest. UVB lighting is also essential for their health, as it helps them synthesize vitamin D3 and properly absorb calcium. (more about the ideal temperature setup for bearded dragons)

Diet and nutrition

Just like other bearded dragons, zero morphs are omnivorous, meaning they require a balanced diet of both insects and vegetables. Staple food items include crickets, roaches, and superworms, as well as leafy greens like collard greens, mustard greens, and dandelion greens. Supplement their diet with calcium powder and multivitamins to ensure optimal health. Juveniles should be fed daily, while adults can be fed every other day.

Handling and socialization

Zero morph bearded dragons, like their counterparts, tend to be docile and friendly, making them excellent pets for handling. Start with short, gentle handling sessions and gradually increase their duration as your bearded dragon becomes more comfortable. Regular interaction and handling will help build trust between you and your pet.

Health Concerns and Considerations

While bearded dragons are generally hardy animals, they can still face some health issues. Zero morph bearded dragons share common health concerns with other morphs, such as impaction, metabolic bone disease, and respiratory infections.

However, due to their lack of pigmentation, zero morphs may be more susceptible to certain problems, like skin infections or burns from excessive UV exposure. To maintain good health, keep a close eye on your bearded dragon’s behavior, diet, and environment, and consult a veterinarian experienced in reptile care if you have any concerns.

Zero Morph bearded dragons need mostly the same care as any other bearded dragon - make sure to take the time to learn everything you can!
Zero Morph bearded dragons need mostly the same care as any other bearded dragon – make sure to take the time to learn everything you can! (source)

Finding a Reputable Zero Morph Breeder

When searching for a zero morph bearded dragon, it’s crucial to find a reputable breeder to ensure you’re getting a healthy, well-cared-for animal. Some tips for finding a trustworthy breeder include researching online, visiting reptile expos, and asking for recommendations from fellow reptile enthusiasts.

When selecting a breeder, make sure to ask about the animal’s lineage, care, and any potential health issues. A reputable breeder will be knowledgeable, transparent, and happy to answer your questions.

Pros and Cons of Owning a Zero Morph Bearded Dragon

As with any pet, there are both benefits and challenges to owning a zero morph bearded dragon.


  1. Unique and striking appearance: The zero morph’s lack of pigmentation makes it a visually stunning pet that will undoubtedly draw attention and admiration.
  2. Friendly and docile temperament: Like other bearded dragons, zero morphs are known for their calm, gentle nature, making them excellent pets for handling and interaction.

Potential challenges and drawbacks:

  1. Rarity and cost: Zero morph bearded dragons are relatively rare compared to other morphs, which can make them more challenging to find and potentially more expensive.
  2. Increased susceptibility to health issues: Due to their lack of pigmentation, zero morphs may face a higher risk of certain health problems, such as skin infections or burns from excessive UV exposure.


In this article, we’ve explored the fascinating world of zero morph bearded dragons, including their traits, appearance, and the concept of morphs in general. As you consider adding one of these unique creatures to your life, be sure to keep in mind the specific care requirements and potential challenges associated with owning a zero morph.

With proper care and attention, a zero morph bearded dragon can make an extraordinary addition to your reptile family. So, go ahead and immerse yourself in the captivating world of these enchanting creatures, and prepare for an unforgettable adventure!

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