Differences Between Male and Female Bearded Dragons

For people considering purchasing a bearded dragon as a pet, it’s essential to know the distinctions between male and female varieties. Doing so will enable you to better comprehend their personalities, requirements, and care requirements.

One way to identify whether your bearded dragon is male or female is by inspecting the underside of its tail. Look for two hemipenal bulges.


One of the most frequently asked questions about bearded dragons is “How long will my bearded dragon live?” While no guarantee can be given, beardies generally live 8 to 15 years on average; however, one record-breaking beardie lived for 18 years and 237 days! More about the lifespan of bearded dragons here!

The lifespan of a bearded dragon can be affected by several factors, such as diet, housing, and genetics. Females typically live shorter lives than males due to having to produce and lay eggs – this puts undue strain on their bodies which in turn limits how long they remain healthy and vibrant.

If you are thinking of adopting a bearded dragon as a pet, it is essential to understand how their lifespan may be influenced by both environment and genetics. Doing this will enable you to make an informed decision when selecting your new lizard.

There are some differences between male and female bearded dragons, but both make great pets!
There are some differences between male and female bearded dragons, but both make great pets!

To guarantee your bearded dragon a healthy and long life, it is essential to select an experienced breeder or seller. These reptiles tend to have healthier genes, meaning they will thrive better in your home environment.

You can extend the lifespan of your beardie by providing it with a balanced diet and proper hydration. Doing so will enable them to absorb essential nutrients like calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for their growth and health.

Maintaining a balanced diet for your lizard will also reduce its vulnerability to parasites. Parasites weaken the immune system and may cause diseases that will drastically reduce its lifespan.

In addition to providing your bearded dragon with a balanced diet, ensure they always have access to fresh water. This is especially important for senior lizards that lack the capacity for producing as much urine as younger species do.

Maintaining your terrarium’s temperature is essential. Too high a temperature can cause respiratory problems and other health issues for your lizard.

One way to extend the lifespan of your lizard is by providing them with a daily vitamin supplement. This will promote healthy skin, bones, and muscles for them.


Bearded dragons are omnivores, feeding on both vegetables and animal protein. Vegetables should make up 25% of a young bearded dragon’s diet, while it makes up half the adult’s. Popular vegetables include kale, collard greens, mustard greens, zucchini, and shredded carrots.

Vegetables should be offered fresh daily and presented in a shallow dish that cannot be easily tipped over. Caution should be exercised when feeding spinach, Swiss chard, and beet greens since they contain oxalates which inhibit calcium absorption.

Both male and female bearded dragons should receive a balanced diet with lots of live insects.
Both male and female bearded dragons should receive a balanced diet with lots of live insects.

Adult bearded dragons can benefit from a diet consisting of boiled eggs, but only in small portions (Stahl and Donoghue, 2010). Boiling foods may reduce beneficial nutrients like thiamin (Divers and Mader, 2005).

Live insects should be provided three times a week, with an extra treat day for younger bearded dragons. Two-week-old crickets can be used for small baby bearded dragons while cockroaches make great treats for older dragons.

Feeder bugs should be gut loaded, meaning they have eaten a substantial meal 24-48 hours prior to being fed to your bearded dragon. This will give your dragon all the necessary vitamins and nutrients for healthy growth.

In addition to live insect feed, your bearded dragon should also receive a wide variety of veggies. Vegetables should be offered in large amounts so your bearded dragon has an opportunity to select different foods.

Vegetables should be lightly cooked or grated until firm, not soft. Foods that are too soft can linger in the mouth and contribute to periodontal disease.

Fruits can be given as treats to dragons, but they should be cut no larger than the space between their eyes. Slices of fruits encourage chewing which is beneficial for their teeth and digestion.

Be sure to thoroughly wash and rehydrate food before feeding it to your bearded dragon. Change the water frequently as well, especially during hot weather for added hydration.

Finally, it is essential to give your pet vitamin and mineral supplements at regular intervals. These supplements support proper metabolism and will keep their bones strong as well as help guard against metabolic bone disease.


Male and female bearded dragons behave differently when it comes to territorial disputes. Male dragons tend to be more assertive when in such circumstances, puffing out their beards, hissing at other dragons, or even trying to bite them.

No matter their gender, both sexes of these reptiles make excellent pets. As long as they receive proper care and supervision, they will make wonderful additions to any family.

One way to tell whether a beardie is male or female is by inspecting their femoral pores across the hind legs. These pores are essential for emitting pheromones that help males locate potential partners and females locate adult dragons who could potentially become offspring.

Housing male and female bearded dragons together should only be done by experienced keepers for many reasons!
Housing male and female bearded dragons together should only be done by experienced keepers for many reasons!

When identifying your beardie’s gender, one thing to look for is its tail size and shape. Male tails tend to be thicker from the base until they reach their tip, while females have thinner tips.

It is essential to remember that these gender-specific features can be difficult to spot in baby and juvenile dragons, but become easier to observe as the animal matures. For instance, when lifting a young dragon’s tail, males will have two hemipenal bulges on either side, while females only have one bulge in the center.

You can test the sexual desire of your beardie by gently lifting its tail. This method works best on young dragons, though it may prove challenging when dealing with fully mature ones.

When sexing your bearded friend, it is essential to remember that both male and female beardies have the capacity to change gender. This change is temporary and caused by temperature-dependent changes in their genetic makeup.

Special Care

Male and female bearded dragons make excellent pets, but there are some differences to be aware of. Males tend to be larger than females and tend to be more aggressive. Furthermore, males have larger shoulder spikes as well as darker coloring in the beard area.

Females tend to be less active than males, but they can also be tamer and calmer if handled appropriately. Plus, due to their smaller size and lower heat requirements, caring for a female is much more cost-effective than caring for a male.

No matter their gender, bearded dragons are intelligent and highly social animals. They enjoy being around people and can be taught how to interact with people effectively. Additionally, these docile creatures rarely bite.

Baby beardies eat both insects and greens. To get them used to eat a balanced diet from an early age, provide them with leafy greens and fruit as a form of early reinforcement. This will prepare them for transitioning onto more herbivorous fare in the future.

Baby bearded dragons can become dehydrated easily, so to help boost their hydration levels, give them baths or soaks in warm water several times a week for about 15 minutes each time. This will increase their overall energy level considerably.

If your beardie is showing any signs of depression, including sunken eyes, loss of appetite, or weakness, it is critical to consult a veterinarian immediately. These symptoms could indicate an underlying issue that if not addressed promptly could lead to more serious health complications.

When you first bring your bearded dragon home, it is wise to quarantine it for 3-6 months in order to prevent the introduction of any diseases. Your vet can advise the duration of quarantine needed; typically, this period lasts 3-6 months.

Make sure to bring your beardie to the vet if you notice anything is off about them - this might just save their life!
Make sure to bring your beardie to the vet if you notice anything is off about them – this might just save their life!

Another essential part of caring for a bearded dragon is providing it with plenty of room. A large enclosure with multiple UVB exposure areas, basking sites, and feeding stations are ideal for these reptiles.

Make sure to feed your bearded dragon a variety of foods, such as vegetables, fruits, insects, and soft, high-quality pellets. These should make up 50-55% of its diet.


One of the main differences between male and female bearded dragons is their size and physical characteristics. Male bearded dragons are bigger than females, and they have two hemipenal bulges, which are bumps near the head that help them keep their tails up while moving.

Another difference between male and female bearded dragons is their behavior. Males are more territorial and aggressive than females, so it is not recommended to house them together.

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